Birds of All Shapes and Sizes

This morning, at two different times, I saw a bright red cardinal.  Too fast to photograph, it warmed my heart to see its flash of crimson.

One of the joys of city living is the endlessly interesting drama one can find when exploring on foot.  I try to observe carefully.  Evanston is a city where people say hello or smile when your paths cross, and dog owners are unfailingly friendly to stop and chat.  The houses and buildings are an architectural hodgepodge of styles, but it all seems to work together.

I love the Victorian details of this home, and the crow’s nest window seems to fit with the bird theme!

Crow's Nest

More Victoriana below–vivid colors and molding details–combined with an elegant peacock in stained glass.

Peacock Stained Glass

Walking along the shore line by Elliott Park, I noticed this bird, which upon close inspection, was handmade.  Regally carved and decorated, both poised and posed, it keeps company with others on two nearby trees.

Handmade Wooden Bird

Packed into this tree and bush were numerous tiny birds–a cacaphony of chirping! As I stopped to take a photo, the birds suddenly became very quiet and a few nervous ones flew away.

Chirping Birds!

What do you notice when you explore your neighborhood?